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MMM Stall: Add Listing - Modern Makers Market Stall

What exclusive discount would you like to offer for the market? Eg. 20% Off
What is the code to enter at checkout to get the discount? Eg. ModernMaker20
Provide a summary of your business in a few words (approx 120 characters)
Enter a few paragraphs about your business
You can place your products in 3 categories.
This number will appear on your market page (optional)
Please enter your username for each entry. Social links will not work otherwise. For example: for our instagram page we would simple enter: bizbubble
This is the market featured image and also appears on your market profile. A SINGLE image, NO text, no logos. Ideal size is 850px by 600px.
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Square images are best
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Max number of files 1, maximum file size 2MB. Supported file formats: gif jpeg jpg png
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Square images are best
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Max number of files 1, maximum file size 2MB. Supported file formats: gif jpeg jpg png
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Square images are best
File Name File Size
No entries found
Max number of files 1, maximum file size 2MB. Supported file formats: gif jpeg jpg png
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