I am a maker of ceramics, lino carved prints and ink-on-paper art!
My art predominantly uses ink on paper, be that drawing or relief printing with forays into ceramics and digital art, fibre art and painting. I am most interested in creating with minute detail and folding moments of seeing more and noticing more, into the viewers’ experience.
My art reflects and explores my awe and fascination of the natural world and explores the earth’s gentle mysticism and solemn intricacy that is birthed every day in the environments around us. It holds up a lens to the magic of intricate, perfect design and our relationship with it as the human race.
Mythology and cultural beliefs play a large role in my relief printing practice while my pointillism is influenced more by realism, however both project a purposeful focus on the detailed, natural intricacies of living things.
I endeavour to be intentional with the details I impress upon paper or build with my hands, using my art as a method for my own exploration and observation, more as an effort to spend time truly seeing the facets of environment, life and objects.