Nicole Ratcliffe – Baby2Sleep

Educating expectant parents by teaching them what the antenatal classes don’t and providing sleep support from birth to 6 years old and more.

Nicole Ratcliffe has been a holistic family sleep coach and founder of Baby2Sleep since 2017 and as a mum of 2, the eldest being the reason she started studying sleep, she fully understands the dark places sleep deprivation can take you.
Nicole is extremely passionate about supporting families to start their new adventure of becoming a parent on the right foot, giving them the tools they need to navigate those first few days, weeks and months of their baby’s life.
Nicole knows though that nothing can fully prepare you for becoming a parent, and that we can’t make our babies sleep well, we can however make sure we lay solid foundations, educate ourselves on what is normal, look after ourselves the best we can and know that the newborn stage doesn’t last forever.
For parents who do struggle with their little ones sleep, Nicole offers online courses, online support and personalised one to one coaching to help families with sleep from birth through to their child turning 6 years old.
No 2 babies are the same and no 2 parents are the same, all we can do is provide evidence based information and work out what isn’t working quite right and make positive changes to support babies, children and families sleep well.

Featured products or services
Baby2Sleep Online Build Your Own Sleep Plan Range 6-24 months
Toddler2Child Sleep and Behaviour
Featured video
Nicole Ratcliffe - Baby2Sleep
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