Welcome to the world of OddlyWild! We create charming, handmade, fun products for the modern family.
Oddly Wild is a Brighton-based company created by, wife and husband duo, Sarah and Mark. They are passionate about beautiful, design-led and vintage-inspired products for the modern family.
We have combined our love of graphic design and crafting to create a beautiful range of charming character clocks, cute jewellery and fun DIY sewing kits. Perfect for kids and big kids alike. Come and meet the animals of Oddly Wild.
We launched Oddly Wild 3 years ago as a joint venture, and now design, make and sell our handmade clocks, sewing kits, pins, felt minis and prints. Whilst we mainly sell online, we also take part in lots of local craft and handmade fairs, especially around Christmas which is our most favourite time of the year.
We love being a part of the creative community and its been really inspirational meeting and chatting to other creatives, and getting and sharing new ideas and tips. We also love speaking to our customers at fairs, and seeing the joy in peoples faces when they see our clocks. It really is why we do what we do.