Wild Birch Studio

Wild Birch Studio works with small businesses to help them connect effectively with their audience, through creative illustration and design for branding and marketing, both online and in print.

Wild Birch Studio creates bespoke and hand drawn visual communication, often inspired by nature, and works with small businesses to help develop and present their beautiful business to the world. Together, we use creativity and design to present ideas, products, services and personality to their ideal audience, connecting effectively both online and in printed media.

Small businesses are incredible and can have such an impact on peoples lives, which ripples out across the local community and beyond. The joy they bring with that personal touch and really knowing their customers is something special; I love how we all can connect and share ideas, memories and joy – you can feel the passion that goes into a handmade product or crafted service, or in a conversation about working together, and the people running their business truly love what they do. The best way I feel I can support others is to be an extra pair of creative hands for their business and offer ways to help promote, present and grow the small business community we love so much.

I offer a range of services large and small, knowing that all businesses are in different stages and have a variety of needs. Projects can range from stickers and labels, up to full branding design and new websites. However you need creative support to reach your goals, it would be a joy to work together.

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Free discovery call - a quick chat about adding illustration and design in your business
Wild Birch Studio
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