Membership packages

Create an ‘eye-catching’ creative profile in minutes

Are you an artist, designer or maker? Then this creative network directory is just for you. Become a Modern Makers Member and create a beautiful business profile just like this one and start getting your business seen right away!


Click here to view an example of a full profile.

Why join?

There are lots of reasons why you should join! Here are a few good reasons. More text here...

Showcase your business like a pro

Build a great profile in minutes with our user friendly dashboard. Share your business story, upload featured products and photos, share important links, social icons and special offers plus much more

Target your audience

Direct your audience to wherever you want them to be. Show all your important content in one place so your customers can get to the core of your business in just one click!

Increase traffic & boost sales

As a small business we all know how hard it is to be found online amongst the bigger businesses and corps, get listed on the Bubble and make a step towards enhancing your online presence to increase your reach

Join our
Creative Community

Are you a maker or small creative business looking for ways to increase your online presence and maximise your reach?
Join the searchable directory of like minded UK makers today!

Join our Creative Network today!

Are you an artist, designer or maker? Then this directory is just for you. Create a beautiful business profile with Modern Makers and start getting your business seen right away!

Member’s Dashboard

It takes just seconds to register – you then receive instant access to your own Member’s Dashboard.

Advanced features

Quickly and easily manage all your own content – edit your featured photos, biography, logo, links and offers!

Clickable links

Add links to your social media accounts, your website plus three featured links with images to your chosen products or services!

Contact information

Potential customers can contact you by telephone or message you direcly using the built in contact form.

#BizBubble hashtag benefit

Use this hashtag to get retweets, likes and shares across social media from fellow members! It’s all about supporting one another.

Member’s Badge

Receive your very own Biz Bubble Member’s badge – proudly share this to show you are part of this amazing network.

Be part of our community

Small businesses buy from other small businesses – bookmark your favourites on the Bubble so you can start building your network and access them any time.

Special Intro Offer


Usually £72/year

Business Directory Listing
Member's Dashboard
Slideshow Gallery
Website Link
3 Featured Product/Service Links
Social Media Links
Contact Form
3 Categories
3 Tags
Member's Badge
Discounted Advertising


Below are some of the questions we get asked most frequently.
Please do get in touch with us if you can’t find the answer to any questions you may have.

£15 Earlybird or £20 standard. (This covers the whole weekend)

If your application is successful, we will contact you with your log in page to pay and create your virtual stall profile page. The page will contain an image, an intro, social media links, contact form, discount code, 3 featured products and a link to where customers can buy your products.

You will appear in our list of stallholders on the visitors page which will go live at 10am on the 27th November until 10pm 28th November 2021

To keep the market exciting and extra appealing to customers we ask stallholders to create an exclusive discount or offer code for your market weekend Eg. MODERNMAKERS10 for 10% off or MODERNMAKERS20 for 20% or just MODERNMAKERS for free shipping, free gift or other special offer.

On the run up to the market weekend we share and post out about our stall holders to large audiences on social media platforms to create a hype and give you some exposure. We are listed on numerous event websites and run paid advertising campaigns.

We tag our stallholders in posts on social media and we encourage our stall holders to participate too by sharing or reposting our posts as well engage on other stallholders posts. Working together ensures more reach and maximum exposure for all stallholders, ultimately resulting in more traffic and people visiting the Market event pages, potentially resulting in more sales.

All stall holder listings go live on Our team here will be spending the whole weekend sharing, promoting and shouting from the rooftops to very large audiences about all your lovely products and will be directing traffic to your stores. 

The main thing you need to do on the Market Weekend is enjoy yourself!

We do encourage stall holders to also promote yourself and the market on social media by sharing and posting too with your exclusive discount codes and of course answer any customer enquiries you may get.

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for?
Ping us a message and we can answer your queries.