After a hard day, for me, there is nothing better than pouring a glass of wine and dimming the lights or lighting a candle to help relax and unwind. And although there is no denying the wonder and beauty of a burning candle – the ambient light, the flicker, the aroma – flameless candles are a safer alternative if you are concerned about leaving a candle burning.

A flameless candle? I’m sure like me, many of you are asking this question. How can a flameless candle replace the real thing? Well after a few weeks of using one of Candled’s luxury LED candles, I am totally hooked.
Almost every night, as the evening draws in, I switch on the candle with the handy little remote control that comes with it. The candle has now worked its way to the centre of the room as a main focal point. I kid you not, it looks like a real candle! The candle creates a wonderful atmospheric warm fire glow virtually identical to a real candle. It’s so realistic that I asked my father in law to blow it out and he huffed and puffed for ages looking very puzzled…Hilarious!

So what makes these candles so special other than looking the part? Safety… We all know the risks of using candles in the home. Candled LED luxury candles have no naked flame, no heat, no dripping wax making them totally safe.
They are also extremely cost-effective – the LED technology will typically last in excess of 50,000 hours. Which is the equivalent of buying 7000 candles – now that is a lot of candles!
So they look great, they are totally safe but what about the environment? The LED candle also boasts a CO2 footprint a thousand times less than traditional candles and 95% of the materials used are recyclable. So it’s a big green tick on that one too.

It’s all about the attention to detail – each candle is handcrafted using Candled’s own blend of quality real wax, giving the authentic candle look, feel and aroma. A realistic pool of melted wax effect surrounding the ‘wick’ beautifully reflects the life like flame. With a press of a button on the remote control you can choose from 4 brightness settings and 2 flame effect flicker rates.
These candles would be perfect for all types of environments from tents to wedding marquees, thatched cottages to stately homes. And great for events where some have had ‘one too many’. They are even suitable for use out doors, perfect for those British BBQs and camping trips.
This really is a fantastic quality product made to last, eco-friendly whilst creating a safe and relaxing environment. Do check out the wonderful range of pillar candles and dinner candles in various sizes available on Candled’s website.
And what’s more – Candled are offering an exclusive 20% discount specially for BizBubble! Simply enter this code at checkout: BIZBUBBLE20