Meet Fiona Wilson Prints

I have been in business for 15 years now, it all began after realising that I needed to have a job that I loved. So I left my office job and went back to art college, followed by university, where I studied Surface Pattern Design and Textiles. I had worked in sales and marketing for 10 years before this after doing my business studies degree, so it was a big change, but I had the best time and totally fell in love with screen printing.
I am very much inspired by the things from my childhood, I love vintage wooden toys and illustrations from kids books. I love the colour and pattern of Marimekko I also love the screen prints of Sister Corita Kent and her art department rules are something that I think everyone should read. I look at all sorts of things though and have collected lots of bits and pieces from car boot sales and antique markets over the years that influence my work. I do enjoy a good library too and have my own stash of books that I’ve accumulated over the years.

A few years ago I spent a year creating a print or collage every day and this has given me a huge body of work to develop my character, patterns and ideas from. I love working with painted and printed papers, nothing much goes to waste in the studio as I tend to recycle it to start new designs. I work mainly with paper and wood, creating art prints and more 3D playful pieces, such as my wooden vases and flowers or my Mix and Match people. I absolutely love working with colour, and mixing and matching inks for screen printing is a lot of fun.
I’m usually up quite early and tend to be in the studio by 8am. I start with some screen printing if I have orders to do so that I can leave things to dry while I get on with other things. I might be updating my website, or adding something to social media. If there are wooden pieces that need cutting I’ll head to the woodwork area and spend some time on the band saw and sander. If I’m really busy then my other half will help out too, getting some wood cut whilst I get on with printing and packing up orders.

Alongside creating and making my own art, I run workshops in my studio teaching others how to develop their creativity in drawing, collage and print making. I’m also a Mentor to other new creative business start ups – teaching and helping others to develop confidence and pass on my own knowledge and experience is something I am really passionate about.
You can find out more about me here Or follow me on Instagram here
*This blog post is provided by the business owner featured – the views and opinions expressed on this blog are not our own.
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